Модуль:Videogallery old 🔗
-- Module for replacing of combination of EmbedVideo-ext + my Ev-template with more faster lua-implementation -- Test page: http://emwikitest.sphynkx.org.ua/Sandbox/Videogallery -- v.1: Supported services are YouTube, RuTube, EMTube, OK -- v.2: Added optional collapsibility. -- v.3: function for replacement youtube timestamps into URL in wiki-format. Timestamp is beginning part of line that starts with ':' and after placed hours (optionally), again ':',minutes (one- or twodigit), ':', seconds (todigit, leading zero if need). After that is have to be one space and minus. And next is rest of comment etc.
local p = {} -- p stands for package
function get_embed(u)
if string.match(u,'youtube') then id = string.gsub(u,'.*youtube.com%/watch%?v%=(.*)','%1')
return '
elseif string.match(u,'yurtube') then id = string.gsub(u,'.*yurtube.-/watch%?v%=(.*)','%1')
return '
elseif string.match(u,'rutube') then id = string.gsub(u,'.*rutube.ru/video/(.*)/','%1')
return '
' else return '
--TODO: Here need to convert in comment (c) any sequences of "XX:YY:ZZ" into "XXhYYmZZs" and generate videoURL with this timestamp
function format_timestamp(u, c)
local outp=
--for each line in comment..
for line in string.gmatch(c, "([^\n]+)") do
--check if timestamp exists in line
t=string.match(line, ':(.-%d:%d%d) ') if t==nil then
t="" else --working line backup-- line=string.gsub(line, '(:)(%d?:?.-):(%d%d)(.-)', '%1['..u..'&t=%2m%3s '..t..']%4') -- reformat to wiki markup and set seconds line=string.gsub(line, ':(.-%d%d)( %- .-)', ':['..u..'&t=%1s '..t..']%2') -- format munutes part line=string.gsub(line, ':(%d%ds)', 'm%1') -- format hours part line=string.gsub(line, '(%d:?):(%d%dm%d%ds)', '%1h%2') end -- IF -- concatenate everything back
outp=outp..line..'\n' end --FOR return outp
--format final code with iframe
function format_embed(d, u, t, c)
c=format_timestamp(u, c)
return ''..e..d..'
'..' ['..u..' '..t..']
function p.videos( frame )
local vidlist = frame.args['VIDEOS']
local vidlist_rows = frame.args['VIDEO_ROWS']
local vidlist_border = frame.args['VIDEO_BORDER']
local collapsed = frame.args['COLLAPSED']=='1' and ' mw-collapsed' or
local collapseHead = frame.args['COLLAPSIBLE']=='1' and frame:preprocess('') or
local collapseBody = frame.args['COLLAPSIBLE']=='1' and frame:preprocess('') or
local collapseEnd = frame.args['COLLAPSIBLE']=='1' and frame:preprocess('') or
-- escape STAR sign inside the text, that is not a list identifier vidlist=string.gsub(vidlist,'([^\n])%*', '%1*') vidcnt=1 vidtable = {} for i in string.gmatch(vidlist, '%*[^\*]*') do
i=string.gsub(i,'%*(.-)%[(.-) (.-)%](.*)', format_embed)
tr_start = math.fmod( vidcnt, vidlist_rows ) == 1 and '' or "" tr_end = math.fmod( vidcnt, vidlist_rows ) == 0 and '' or "" table.insert(vidtable, tr_start..''..i..''..tr_end)
vidcnt=vidcnt+1 end
-- here i reused as identifier of nonempty videogallery (for setting of category) i = (vidcnt>1) and "" or ""
return collapseHead .. table.getn(vidtable) .. ' videos' .. collapseBody .. '
' .. frame:preprocess(table.concat(vidtable)) .. ''.. i .. collapseEnd
return p