Амару Марка Васи 🔗

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Археологический памятник в Перу. 3 ​4​ Он расположен в районе Куско, провинция Куско, округ Куско, к северу от города Куско. Он расположен к востоку от археологических раскопок Саксайуаман и к югу от Тамбомачай и Пука Пукара, недалеко от Кенко.




1 videos

20 сент. 2022 г.
Flying Over Amaru Marcahuasi


This morning I took my DJI Mavic Air 2 drone up into the mountains above my home to film a little around Amaru Marcahuasi (commonly known here as Templo de la Luna or "Temple of the Moon").
I don't think it has much to do with the moon, but rather is, like almost all Inca sites, related to water.
I filmed some shots for a project I'm working on explaining why water is almost certainly the core focus of a number of sites in the nearby area including the seldom-visited Chuspiyoq which can be seen in the last scenes.
There are at least three Inca roads in this video along with multiple Inca sites. Even the small lake in the opening scenes is actually a man-made reservoir fed by an adjacent spring created by the Incas. Water flows during the rainy season from a spring a little farther up the canyon. Chuspiyoq has a pool/bath and a fountain that few people know exist.
Can you see the millions -- okay, maybe a few hundred -- of students gathering on top of the main site? Apparently I chose the same day as their school-wide field trip! I need to revisit the site again in the early morning before anyone else has arrived. I'm sure the light will be a lot better, too.



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